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Repair of water damage

Acting quickly is the key to properly managing water damage on the side of your home or building.

Cracks, mold, broken plaster are all results of water damage. Mold, as we know, is a health risks. Cracks often get deeper and longer if not repaired immediately, which could lead to much greater problems and costs.

Water damage - building munich
What started as a small often ends bigger a few months later, as shown here
Water damage - building munich
Typical water damage along the house facade

Kaiser Fassadenkletterer und Industriekletterer can access that hard-to-reach- spot below the gutter which is damaged by rainwater. Sometimes the affected areas are not so large. Why build a framework for such work? Hire a rope access technician, who quickly can assess the situation and provide a cost-effective, practical, modern-day solution.

Sometimes the affected areas are not so large. Why build a framework for such work? Hire a rope access technician, who quickly can assess the situation and provide a cost-effective, practical, modern-day solution.

water damage Munich repaired
water damage after repair (still drying)

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